Thursday, September 24, 2015

Halo 4
November 6, 2012
Xbox 360
Microsoft Studios
First Person Shooter

Fun Factor: In this game the fun factor is there. You can play at home on split screen with your friends or you can play online with other random people. There are all types of game modes such as traditional team death match, free for all, and as well as objective game modes. The online multiplayer has up to eight people on a team or you can do the traditional 6 vs 6. The game has really diverse weapons and very entertaining maps as well that makes this game a great experience every time I jump on.

Learning Curve: The controls are simple to control and use. I would recommend to play through the campaign if it is your first time playing a Halo game so you can learn all the weapons and controls before you play on online multiplayer. Once you get the hang of the controls its very easy to play. The controls are like any first person shooter with its own twist. Such as you can choose your own abilities that makes you use them as strategic as possible.

Graphics: The graphics for this 2012 game is amazing. Halo always impressed me growing up playing a game that was different than most of the other games out there. Its a great experience to play in all these different worlds and different species of aliens. The graphics bring the campaign out in a great way and has a believable story. The graphics make the game a hundred times better making the characters look more interesting and you just want to know more about them.

Audio: The audio as well as the graphics is amazing. The sounds of the weapons to the voice acting is on point. I love the audio in the game because you hear all the ships to all the different alien languages, which they did a phenomenal job with it. They did a great job to have the guns sound like their suppose to, like the human snipers rifles to the DMRs to the alien versions of them, all of it sounds on point.

Controls: Like I mentioned in the learning curve up above, If your not an experienced Halo player it would be wise to try out the campaign so you can learn the game at your own pace. The controls are not heard to learn but there are a lot of strategic gamers out there who know the game in and out. The controls are just like any other first person shooter games, but you do have abilities that you can choose before you spawn in the game. There simple to use but very effective if you use it in the right situations. The controls are very simple and once you get ahold of it you wont be able to put the controller down.

Story: Halo is known for there campaigns, and some gamers just get the game for the campaign. The story follows a character Master Chief and is artificial intelligence construct, Cortana, who explore an ancient civilizations planet. They face up against the covenant and the ancient race that resides at the planet known as the Prometheans. The campaign is just like any other Halo campaign and it does take some time to actually beat the game. They make it pretty long but not too long. The story is not rushed and has some of the best cut scenes in the campaign.

Characters: The characters in Halo 4 is the super soldier, Master Chief who destroys anything or any one who comes in his path and more of a lone wolf rather than a team player. He is always putting the mission before himself and has a helping hand from his artificial intelligence unit Cortana. They face the covenant, who were once allies with the Spartans but went rouge. They also face the Prometheans who are more of a biomechanical race who seek out harm for the Master Chief.

Level Design: The campaign levels are flawless and some of the best campaign levels I have seen in a video game. It really makes you think that the places are real as you make your way through the planet. In the online multiplayer the levels are very diverse. There are huge levels to medium maps so smaller maps as well. Each map is very well designed and has an excellent replay factor as well. The campaign missions have you an a believable alien planet that you will discover more about the race as you go further in the story.

Changes: The only changes I would like to the multiplayer would be for it to be easier to find a match so your not waiting in the lobbies for long period of times. Other than that I think the game is a very good game to play and they got pretty much everything else on point.

Recommendations: I would recommend this game to everybody. This game series has been out since I was young and been playing it my whole life. Halo is a very good first person shooter that anyone could pick up and play and have a great time. If you like strong campaigns then this game would be for you. If you are more of a online multiplayer gamer, then you would have a lot of fun playing it. This game caters to all casual gamers to the hardcore gamers who enjoy the grind and love to play at a competitive level.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Mortal Kombat x
Warner Bros.
fighting game

 Fun Factor: Mortal Kombat x has a replay factor which I come back to every couple days because there is a lot of things to do. You can play the regular story mode which has thirty one towers you can play, and each tower has seven battles in each one. They have updates every couple of months so they have added in new tougher towers which makes it more interesting. If the story mode is not your thing you can do their faction wars mode, which is their online multiplayer. Each week you can battle your way to the top and earn prizes to help your collection every week. You can also play their challenges which if you succeed, you can earn a rare character for your roster.

Learning curve: The game is very easy to pick up and learn. The controls are mostly swiping as well as tapping. The controls are very basic, but very addicting and I can"t seem to put it down every time I play it. Once you start playing there is a tutorial to help you play. Once you get through that then the rest is very easy to get the hang of.

Graphics: The graphics are really good for it to be a game on your phone. You can play it on you phone or tablet.The graphics are almost the same as Injustice Gods Among Us. So if you are into that game, then you would love this game. Something that they blew me away with is that they added in the specials you can do on your opponent, Which lets you see an x-ray of the characters damage on their body. The x-ray is almost as good as the consul version. All in all the graphics are simply amazing and something you should try out.

Audio: The audio in the game is impressive. The background music is on point as well as every hit you do on your opponent. When you tap it also has a destinctive sound which confirms that you tap on a menu item. Every single character has a few quotes they say in game battles after they do a special to the opponent. The audio is very well done as well as the voice acting with the characters.

Controls: The controls are very simple to use. In some Android games the controls can be very awkward to use but in this game it is as simple as it gets. Going through the menus is very easy as well navigating to wherever you want to go. When you are in a battle, all you have to do is tap to do the basic moves. If you want to do a power move all you do is swipe. If you want to do a special, all you have to do is hit the special one or two on the bottom of the screen and then it will have you tap or swipe to get maximum damage. The controls are basic but effective.

Characters: There are eight bronze characters, which are the lowest tier as and less effective characters. You can earn them through alliance points or just buy them with koins. The next set of characters are silver tier. There are 14 in all and they are decent in health and strength. You can purchase them through koins or you can get them in Kard pacts. The next set of characters are gold tier. These characters are the strongest set and most effective. There are 33 gold characters and they are always adding more every couple weeks. To purchase these set of characters then you have to use souls. Souls are hard to come by to use them wisely. If you get a repeat character yoy already own then you can fuse them together to make that character stronger.

The level design is pretty basic. There are only a few select levels and its more of a background more than anything. Its more of just the scenery that you fight in. Its not interactive like the consul version, but the levels are done very well and it has a nice change of pace. The levels don't really have anything tio do with the controls or the learning curve. The levels do have some affect on the characters because some of the levels are related with the characters. Some levels are where they lived or trained and you get that when your playing the game.

Changes: The only changes I would add would be having the kard packs be less expensive and easier to come by. They made some of the kard pacts too much and a casual gamer would not be able to reach. You would have to grind at the game and by the time you get that many koins or souls it wouldn't seem worth it. I would also have some characters stronger so when you get to a hard boss or harder opponent you would have a better chance to get past through it. I would aslo want to it be easier to earn souls or another way to earn souls so you can earn more than ten in a day.

Recommendation: I would recommend this game who likes fighting games. If you a fan of Mortal Kombat, Injustice Gods among us, or even games like Tekken or dead or alive, then you would appreciate this game. The game has a solid story mode that has a lot of levels as well as a online mode that you can play over and over again. The game is very good in my opinion and I play it almost everyday. The game is very rewarding and has that replay factor I enjoy.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Call of Duty Black Ops
November 9, 2010
Xbox 360
First person shooter

Fun factor: When I started the campaign there is action right from the start as well as you learning the story as it unfolds. The game was very fun to play especially if you like to play first person shooter games. What made this game so fun to play is because the game is action packed from start to finish just like all the campaigns in Call of Duty. The campaign has a lot of twists and turns and a very strong story.

Learning curve: The game is pretty simple to play. It has the controls of most first person shooters. You can choose your difficulty before you start the campaign and as you play, if it gets to difficult you can change the difficulty as well if you want more of a challenge as you play. The campaign was a little difficult, so if you never played a call of duty game before then I would recommend to start on the easiest difficulty.

Graphics: I thought the graphics were strong. I never experience frame rate drops or had any problems with the graphics. The gore in the game was believable and all the shooting scenes seemed strong. In almost every mission there was explosions, shooting, and really well done cut scenes. The cut scenes did look better then when you actually took control of the characters.

Audio: The audio in my opinion was fantastic. The background music was on point throughout the campaign as well as the sound of bullets passing by. There was not any lag with the sound and motion of the graphics. The audio of the characters were spot on as well as the voice acting.

Controls: The controls were very easy to use. You can change the controls in the menu option to play as your type of style of controls. There are tutorials throughout the beginning of the game to help you as well you can go into the menu if you didn't know how to do a specific control. The controls were just like any other first person shooter game, so if you like those types of games then you would be very comfortable with it. The controls worked very well with the game, and I like to say I was very use to it very fast. The controls felt very comfortable and not awkward at all.

Story: The game starts out as you play Mason, who was captured by the Russians in the Cold war era. As you play Alex Mason, you go through flashbacks to see what happened when he was captured and to  see what he remembers. The story takes place in a interagation room, questioning Mason about his Past. Throughout the campaign there were a series of numbers that would flash through his head, But didn't remember what they meant. That is what the US military was questioning him about. Through the campaign you learn that the numbers were a broadcast to contact Soviate sleeper cells. Dragovich os the main villain in the campaign who in the end, Mason strangles him, and sinking the boat that had the broadcast station ending the threat of the sleeper agents.

Characters: The characters include Alex Mason, Special agent Jason Hudson, Captain Mosely, Major Neitsch, John F. Kennedy, Victor Reznof, Dimitri Petrenko, and Frank woods.

Level Design: The level design was believable and made the campaign feel like a cold war game. The weapons were from that time and didn't throw in anything that wouldn't feel different. Every level in the campaign was well created and had a path for you to follow so you always were headed in the right direction. Every level had the overall concept of that era and made the campaign that more interesting overall. The level design played very well to the learning curve ass well as the controls. It made the controls easier to adapt in gun fights as well in stealth missions.

Changes: Some changes I would like to add is maybe of added more guns from the multiplayer as well as being able to customize your weapons before you started the mission instead of being given certain weapons at the start of each level. Other than that I don't have to many complaints. The story was very well done as well as the characters story lines.

Recommendation: I would recommend this game to people who enjoy first person shooters. This game can draw in hardcore gamers like myself as well as casual gamers who just want to play a campaign for a few hours. The campaign is pretty short and you could probably beat in in just a few sittings. All in all I recommend this game to everyone and anyone who would like to challenge themselves to play in a cold war era game.